Biblical Citizenship

Join us for this 8 week session starting Sunday, February 2, at 5 pm. 

Women’s Bible Study

Room 101 1900 Route C, Jefferson City, United States

Join us for a Women’s Bible Study every Tuesday, at 9:15 am in Room 101.

Bienvenidos Ministerio en Español

Room 100 , United States

Domingo: Escuela Dominical - 9:50AM (Cuarto 300) Servicio de Adoración - 11:00AM (Cuarto 303)   Miércoles: Esudio Bíblico - 7:00PM (Cuarto 100)

Men’s Bible Study

Conference Room 1900 Route C, Jefferson City, MO, United States

Join us for a Men’s Bible Study every Thursday, at 6:30 am in Room 308.

50+ Fellowship & Game Night

First Assembly Gym 1900 State Hwy C, Jefferson City, MO, United States

Join us for a great night of fellowship and games on Thursday, February 20 at 5:30pm in the gym! Please bring your favorite snack to share.

First Youth @ Strikers

Strikers Bowling Alley 2017 Christy Drive, Jefferson City, MO, United States

All youth, grades 6-12, are invited for amazing bowling and arcade fun on February 21, 2025, from 7-9:00pm!

Women’s Bible Study

Room 101 1900 Route C, Jefferson City, United States

Join us for a Women’s Bible Study every Tuesday, at 9:15 am in Room 101.

Bienvenidos Ministerio en Español

Room 100 , United States

Domingo: Escuela Dominical - 9:50AM (Cuarto 300) Servicio de Adoración - 11:00AM (Cuarto 303)   Miércoles: Esudio Bíblico - 7:00PM (Cuarto 100)

Men’s Bible Study

Conference Room 1900 Route C, Jefferson City, MO, United States

Join us for a Men’s Bible Study every Thursday, at 6:30 am in Room 308.

Veteran’s Fellowship

First Assembly Gym 1900 State Hwy C, Jefferson City, MO, United States

All veterans are invited to join us in the gym for some great food and fellowship. No cost.